CUDGEL is an inspirational journey of a common man with an uncommon desire to succeed based on a true story of Sammy Lee Davis. It’s an American war-drama biopic, set in the late 1960’s, exploring the themes of courage, love, and hope in a coming-of-age story. We follow the fortitude of one man during the darkest of times, at war, where he learns that love can be found in the most unexpected places…on the battlefield. The greatest display of love is when one lays down his own life for another…this is where we witness heroic actions beyond the human will. The rescue of one man saves another man’s life and the rescuer becomes the rescued.
Out of a deep devotion for his family, country, and fellow human, an ordinary farmboy leaves his small town to enlist in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. After sustaining multiple life-threatening injuries, he rescues three severely wounded soldiers across a canal. His heroic actions elevate him to the ranks of the extraordinary, earning him the Medal of Honor.
Watch this video to get a glimpse of Sammy's story, hosted by Indiana War Memorial and CBS4 News.
When making a movie, you need people and you need money. We’re asking you for your donations so we can get our movie into the right hands to get it made, and we are committed to donating a small percentage to helping our veteran community. Thank you for your generosity and support!
You can donate via PayPal or GoFundMe. Click on either of the links below:
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